Welcome to the home page of Certificate in Actuarial Software Techniques (CAST).
CAST is a job oriented technical program offered by ActuaryLife. The program is taught online and a weekly task is given to the participants to solve a business problem using actuarial concepts and a software of their choice. Our objective is to enable student actuaries to boost their career prospects, future proof themselves and remain relevant for the rapidly evolving marketplace of actuarial sciences.
Participant can experience CAST through any of the following 2 options:
a) Self Learning: Candidate downloads the project available on the website with possible solution / guide and works on the project on his/her own. Few links of publicly available resources are provided with each project for the guidance. There is no fee to be paid, if you wish to pursue the self learning route. Participants do not have to submit the completed projects for evaluation and we do not issue Certificate of Accomplishment (CoA) for the self learning mode. Participant can pursue self learning of the CAST projects without any registration.
b) Regular Learning: The regular program is divided into 3 levels of 4 weeks each. A set of video-based learning and a project is shared with the candidate every week. The weekly project has to be completed by the student using the solution manual / online discussion group on LinkedIn. Recorded versions of the problem discussion and possible approach is available in the LinkedIn group. A weekly live online session is conducted over the weekend to discuss 1 weekly problem for each level and the trainer answers all the queries of the participants. After working on the project, the candidate has to submit it for evaluation via email to us. The candidate gets six weeks from the date of enrollment to complete any four projects available for the enrolled Level. All the enrolled candidates get to speak individually with the trainers on a feedback call of 15 minutes per project after the evaluation. The feedback call can be scheduled at any mutually convenient time.
A digital certificate is issued to regular learners, on completion of 4 projects of each level. An internship to work on real projects is offered to those candidates who are enrolled for all the levels and have completed at least one level successfully.
The training program is open to all. You can enrol using the registration link below. To know more, please contact Vikram via LinkedIn / WhatsApp +91 888 2288279.